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Supplier Information

Based in St. Louis, MO, ADDMAN Precision, formally known as Tech Manufacturing, excels in producing complex, tight-tolerance, medium-to-large parts.

Formally Known as Tech Manufacturing

ADDMAN Precision Supplier Information

To conveniently access our Terms and Conditions as well as Purchasing and Quality Clauses, all you need to do is click on the collapsible menus provided below.

  1. Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
    1) The seller by acceptance of this order accepts all the terms and conditions hereof. Acceptance of this order shall take place either by execution and return of the signed acknowledgment or by part performance of the order. Any modifications or alterations of or additions to the terms and conditions of the order, to be binding, must be in writing, signed by an authorized representative of the purchaser and delivered by the purchaser to the seller. Any term, condition or reservation, inconsistent with the terms hereof that may be contained in any printed or standard acknowledgement, invoice form or other document issued by seller shall be of no effect (purchaser hereby objects to any such terms, conditions, or reservations and notifies the seller that they are rejected) notwithstanding purchasers act of accepting or paying for any shipment or otherwise performing the obligations on its part to be observed or performed hereunder.
    2) Unless otherwise stated in this order, terms are Net Sixty (60) days after delivery of goods and receipt of invoices.
    3) Seller represents that any price or prices specified in the order do not exceed seller’s current selling price for the same or substantially similar goods. Unless otherwise stipulated, all prices inserted on the face of the order shall represent the total cost to the purchaser as at the point of delivery, including sales taxes and custom duties and other government and municipal taxes, levies and charges of every description and charges for packing, crating, boxing, storage and shipping charges. If price is not stipulated on the order; it is not to be filled at the higher prices than the last previously quoted or charged without written authority of purchaser.
    4) All goods shall be shipped F.O.B. as stated on the face of the purchase order. If goods are shipped destination or purchaser’s plant, shipping charges must be prepaid in all cases. No insurance premium or shipping costs will be allowed unless otherwise authorized in writing. Goods must be packed and delivered to conform to Uniform Freight Classification to obtain lowest shipping rate. Packing slips must be enclosed with all shipments showing the order number, line number, release number, if any, and quantity. Charges accrued through seller’s failure to ship in accordance with the purchase’s shipping instructions will be charged to
    seller’s account.
    5) Time shall be of the essence in the order. The goods must be delivered strictly in accordance with the quantities, specifications and delivery schedule specified. Otherwise, in addition to its other legal remedies, purchaser shall be at liberty to cancel the order, in whole or in part. Purchaser assumes no obligation for goods shipped in excess of quantities specified in this order or prior to delivery schedule specified.
    6) Goods are subject to inspection by purchaser and purchaser shall be the final judge of the goods. Purchaser reserves the right to any portion of any shipment not strictly in accordance with the specifications and in such case will pay to seller a reasonable price thereof, but such retention shall not preclude purchaser from rejecting the remainder of any or other shipments. Rejected goods will be held for seller’s instructions and at its risk and expense. If instructions are not received within fifteen (15) days after notice of rejection, goods will be returned at seller’s expense. No goods returned as defective shall be replaced without purchasers’
    written permission. Where re-work is required to meet specification requirements, the seller, at no cost to purchaser, shall arrange for such re-work. Payment for goods shall not constitute acceptance thereof by purchaser nor shall purchaser’s inspection or omission to inspect relieve seller of its obligation to furnish all goods in strict accordance with all terms and provisions of the order.
    7) Seller expressly warrants that all goods covered by the order will be of good material and workmanship, free from defects and will conform to applicable specifications, drawings, samples or description.
    8) Seller agrees to indemnify and save harmless purchaser, its successors and assigns, against all damages, expense, claims, demands, actions, suits and proceedings for actual or alleged infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark by reason of the sale, use or incorporation into manufactured products, of the goods furnished.
    9) This order shall not be assigned in whole or in part without the previous written consent of the purchaser.
    10) The remedies herein reserved shall be cumulative and additional to any other and further remedies provided in law or equity. No waiver of a breach of any provision of the contract shall constitute a waiver of any other breach, or of such provision.
    11) The seller shall not, without first obtaining the written consent of purchaser in any manner advertise the fact that the seller has contracted to furnish purchaser goods, and for failure to observe the provision, the purchaser shall have the right to cancel the contract resulting from acceptance of this order, without any further liability thereon.
    12) If seller ceases to conduct its operation in the normal course of business (including inability to meet its obligations as they mature), or if any proceedings under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws is brought by or against seller, or a receiver for seller is appointed or applied for, or an assignment for the benefit of creditors is made by seller, purchaser may terminate the order without liability, except for deliveries already made.
    13) Seller shall keep confidential all information, drawings, specifications, or data furnished by purchaser, or prepared by seller specifically in connection with the performance of the order and not divulge or use such information, drawings, specifications or data to or for the benefit of any other party. Seller agrees that if the goods covered by the order are to be manufactured to design or technical data furnished by purchaser, the seller shall not, without the prior written consent of purchaser, manufacture any such goods except for and upon the order of the purchaser.
    14) The obligations of the seller shall survive acceptance of the goods and payment thereof by purchaser.
    15) Termination for convenience/Basis for termination: NOTICE – Tech Manufacturing, LLC may, from time to time terminate all or part of any order issued, by written notice to seller. Any such written termination shall specify the effective date and the extent of any such termination.
    16) All persons performing work under this contract shall be aware of and adhere to their contribution to product or service conformity, their contribution to product safety, and the importance of ethical behavior.
    17) Electronic Data Exchange:
    a. The parties agree that if an Order is transmitted electronically neither party shall contest the validity of the Order or any acknowledgement thereof, on the basis that the Order or acknowledgement contains an electronic signature.
    b. Buyer and Seller agree that in the event any part of the purchase and sale of Articles covered by these Term and Conditions will hereafter be affected using electronic data interchange, these Terms and Conditions shall continue to apply thereto.
    18) Export Licensing Information/Offshore Procurement
    a. This contract, including any attachments or exhibits hereto, may contain information which is subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or Export Administration Regulations (EAR) which may not be released to foreign concerns or foreign persons either inside or outside the United States without first obtaining the proper export authority. Seller shall obtain an export license pursuant to the requirements set forth herein for any items that Seller either manufactures or subcontracts outside the U.S. or before allowing access to any technical data by a foreign person in the United States. If Seller is a “Foreign Person” (as defined by the International
    Traffic in Arms Regulations [ITAR] reference 22 CFR Sub- chapter M) the Seller shall, upon request of Buyer’s Procurement Agent and without additional cost, provide such information as may be necessary to support Buyer’s application for export license(s) covering any items ordered from Seller hereunder.
    b. This Contract may contain defense related technical data. Buyer or Sellers customer has obtained or will obtain the approval of the U.S. Government to furnish to seller the data, and any other items hereunder requiring such approval, which are necessary from Seller to perform this Contract. U.S. Government approval is based upon the following ITAR requirements with which Seller agrees to comply:
    i. Seller shall use the technical data furnished by Buyer or Buyer’s customer only in the
    manufacture of defense articles in accordance with this contract.
    ii. Seller shall not disclose or provide technical data furnished by Buyer or Buyer’s customer
    to any person except authorized U.S. citizen, protected person, permanent resident alien
    (immigrant alien). If Seller is a “Foreign Person,” it may also disclose or provide technical
    data furnished by Buyer or Buyer’s customer to its employees who are citizens of the same
    country and qualified subcontractors in the same country which require the data in
    performance of the subcontract.
    iii. Seller shall not disclose or provide technical data furnished by Buyer or Buyer’s customer
    to any foreign person either in the U.S. or abroad without obtaining prior authorization
    directly from the U.S. Department of State Office of Defense Trade Controls (ODTC).
    ITAR defines a “foreign Person” as any person who is not a U.S. citizen, permanent
    resident alien, or a protected individual as defined by 8 USC 1324B(a)(3). Foreign person
    also means a foreign corporation (corporation not incorporated in the U.S.), foreign
    Government, and any agency or subdivision of foreign governments (i.e. diplomatic
    iv. Seller shall not acquire any rights in the data furnished by Buyer or Buyer’s customer
    except to use it in the performance of this contract. Seller also shall not convey to its
    qualified subcontractors any greater rights in the data than Seller has. Seller’s qualified
    subcontractors shall only have the right to use the data as required in the performance of
    their subcontracts.
    v. Seller shall deliver the defense articles manufactured in accordance with this Contract only
    to Buyer, Buyer’s customer or to the U.S. Government.
    vi. Upon completion or termination of this Contract, Seller shall destroy or return to Buyer or
    Buyer’s customer all technical data furnished to seller by Buyer or Buyer’s customer
    pursuant to this Contract. At Buyer or Buyer’s customer’s election. Buyer or Buyer’s
    customer may direct Seller to return or destroy the data and may require Seller to certify in
    writing that Seller has complied.
    vii. Seller shall impose these requirements, (i) through (vii), suitably revised to identify the
    parties properly, on all its subcontractors to which Seller intends to furnish technical data
    provided by Buyer for use by the subcontractor in performance of the subcontracts.
    19) Counterfeit Parts Prevention:
    a. For purposes of this clause, Work consists of those parts delivered under this Contract that are the lowest level of separately identifiable items (e.g., articles, components, goods, and assemblies). “Counterfeit Work” means Work that is or contains items misrepresented as having been designed and/or produced under an approved system or other acceptable method. The term also includes approved Work that has reached a design life limit or has been damaged beyond possible repair but is altered and misrepresented as acceptable.
    b. SELLER agrees and shall ensure that Counterfeit Work is not delivered to TECH
    c. SELLER shall only purchase products to be delivered or incorporated as Work to Tech
    Manufacturing, LLC directly from the Original Component Manufacturer (OCM)/Original
    Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), or through an OCM/OEM authorized distributor chain. Work shall not be acquired from independent distributors or brokers unless approved in advance in writing by TECH MANUFACTURING, LLC.
    d. SELLER shall immediately notify TECH MANUFACTURING, LLC with the pertinent facts if SELLER becomes aware or suspects that it has furnished Counterfeit Work. When requested by TECH MANUFACTURING, LLC, SELLER shall provide OCM/OEM documentation that
    authenticates traceability of the affected items to the applicable OCM/OEM.
    20) Conflict Minerals
    All materials provided under this Purchase Order must be free of conflict minerals from Covered Countries in accordance with Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. For suppliers who provide product to Tech Manufacturing containing Tantalum (and all its derivatives), Tin, Tungsten or Gold seller shall complete EICC Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (common survey) found at and perform due diligence on its supply chain in order to fulfill the reporting obligations of this article.
    21) All orders shall be governed by the laws of the state of Missouri.

P01) DELIVERY PAPERWORK – shipments are to include all material traceability, packing sheets, certifications, and test reports when the shipment arrives on our dock. Tech Manufacturing LLC’s purchase order must appear on all invoices, shipping papers, containers, and correspondence.

P02) DOMESTIC MATERIAL REQUIRED – DFARS 252.225-7008 requires that “ANY SPECIAL METALS” used on products delivered under U.S. Government contracts must be melted in the United States or “Qualifying Country” (DFARS 225.003).

P03) LATEST REVISION – The service being performed must be complete per the latest revision. At no time will other revisions be used other than what is indicated on the drawings or purchase order without the express written permission of an authorized representative of Tech Manufacturing, LLC.

P04) AGE SENSITIVE PRODUCT – Articles procured on this order are considered “age sensitive” (i.e. Adhesives, paints, rubber products, etc). You are requested to mark the date of manufacture & expiration date on components and supply the most recently produced product.

P05) MSDS SHEET – Please send a “Material Data Sheet” that meets the OSHA hazard communication standard on all potentially hazardous chemicals or materials with your shipment. Mark to the attention of “Purchasing”.

P06) INSURANCE CLAUSE – Contractor is to maintain all necessary liability insurance to protect themselves against claims for bodily injury or death of any person or persons whether or not employed by contractor, which may arise from any operation in connection with work covered by this order. Required insurance in all cases will be workmen’s compensation, employers’ liability for the state involved, and public liability insurance. If you select any portion of this order, it will be necessary that you carry contractor’s protective liability insurance. A copy of your “Certificate of Liability Insurance” may be requested by Tech Manufacturing, LLC purchasing prior to beginning work on this order. You must provide a safe work environment. Contractor will abide by Tech Manufacturing’s safety policy of wearing safety glasses with side shields at all times in designated areas.

P07) DROP SHIPMENTS – PLEASE NOTE: If this is a drop shipment to another other than Tech Manufacturing, LLC On the same day the shipment is made, a faxed copy of all certifications and test reports and either the packing slip, or a shipping document must be sent to the attention of the buyer on the purchase order.

P08) ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – Send acknowledgement of purchase order with price and delivery, via fax (636) 745-9480 or email within 48 hours

P09) CNC PROGRAM SUPPLIERS – Supplier will use prints, drawings, processes and electronic data supplied by Tech Manufacturing, LLC to make CNC programs. The CNC programs, tool list and processes will fulfill Tech Manufacturing specifications and workmanship.  The supplier will verify CNC programs using Vericut and/or other acceptable methods. Suppliers will provide a comment line on the source program with the name of the CNC programmer, the date that the CNC program was certified, and the method that was used to certify the program.

P10) TRACEABILITY & IDENTIFICATION – material requiring heat/lot traceability will be individually identified and traceable to the purchase order.

P11) PART PROTECTION – Parts require protection from physical and mechanical damage. Parts must be protected by separation, wrapping, cushioning, or some other means to ensure no damage is caused by parts rubbing together during handling and shipment.

P12) DELIVERY NOTIFICATION – ADDMAN Precision, a.k.a Tech Manufacturing LLC is to be notified immediately if shipment will be delayed for any reason.  NOTE: Shipments delivered more than (5) five days prior to requested delivery date are not accepted without prior approval from Tech Manufacturing, LLC ( )

P13) CUSTOMER PROPERTY CONTROL – when Tech Manufacturing, LLC or its customer property such as check templates, form dies, etc. are supplied to a vendor/subcontractor. The organization shall exercise care with customer property while it is under the organization’s control or being used by the organization. The organization shall identify, verify, protect and safeguard customer property provided for use or incorporation in the product. Seller assumes all risk and liability for loss or damage, except for normal wear and agrees to permit inspection and supply detailed statement of inventory upon request from Buyer. If any customer property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, this shall be reported to Tech Manufacturing, LLC and records maintained. Control of Government and Boeing-owned special tooling shall be maintained as per the latest revision of Boeing document D950-11059-1 “IDS SELLER SPECIAL TOOLING REQUIREMENTS”. This document is accessible for your review at:

P14) All persons performing work under this contract shall be aware of and adhere to their contribution to product or service conformity, their contribution to product safety, and the importance of ethical behavior.

P15) Compliance with Buy American Act- DFARS 252.225-7001 is required

P16) Compliance with DFARS 252.225-7007 is required

P17) Compliance with DFARS 252.225-7009 is required


Quality Clauses

Q01) CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE – You are required to submit with each shipment a Certificate of Conformance (C of C) signed or stamped by an authorized Quality Representative or designate, which references Tech Manufacturing, LLC’s Purchase Order Number (purchase order#) and Serial Number (S/N) if applicable and states that the materials furnished to Tech Manufacturing, LLC are in conformance with the specific data listed on the purchase order, drawings, and all applicable requirements and standards to prescribed revision levels, and that supporting documentation is on file including approved written procedures for all special processes to reference specifications.

Q02) MATERIAL TEST REPORTS – the original mill or foundry chemical and mechanical test reports for material used in fulfilling this order must be maintained for a period of ten (10) years. Mill or foundry certifications require country of origin, traceability to the material chemical and mechanical test reports. The heat lot number of each test report must be traceable to the material. Any reprocessed raw material must be traceable to the original mill test report and must include objective evidence of compliance (e.g. mechanical tests) to the materials reprocessed condition.

Q03) MATERIAL CERTS – One copy of the actual chemical composition and actual mechanical properties for each lot, batch, or heat, shall accompany each shipment and must reference Tech Manufacturing, LLC’s purchase order number. Either Tech Manufacturing, LLC’s purchase order# shall be referenced on the cert.; or a packing list referencing the Tech Manufacturing, LLC purchase order#, mill cert.  and Heat Lot# shall accompany the cert.

Q04) CRITICAL/TRACEABLE PARTS – Whenever articles covered by this order have been identified as critical and/or traceable. You are required to assure that affected employees are aware of the critical/traceable nature of these articles and that appropriate steps are taken to safeguard product quality and where applicable traceability.  (NOTE: copies of Boeing critical materials documents, 74A900053 – Serialization & Traceability Requirements for F/A-18 E/F, EA-18G & AFA18F Fracture Critical Traceable Parts and 74A900054 – Control of Fracture and Maintenance Critical Parts for the F/A-18 E/F, EA-18G & AFA18F Aircraft may be obtained by contacting Tech Manufacturing, LLC purchasing)

Q05) WORK REQUIREMENTS – Seller certifies that shop travelers/manufacturing work orders will reflect and indicate work requirements, as evidenced by the supplier’s quality assurance signature or acceptance stamp, and are on file for review upon request.

Q06) RIGHT OF ENTRY – This purchase order is subject to the Right-of-Entry for Tech Manufacturing, LLC personnel, its customers and regulatory agencies, to verify the quality of work, and to access of pertinent records.

Q07) CUSTOMER APPROVED SOURCES – Material and processes supplied against this contract must be from approved sources of the end item users (Tech Manufacturing, LLC’s customer)

Q08) NON-CONFORMING PARTS – Supplier must establish controls to assure that nonconforming materials are identified, segregated, dispositioned, and controlled to prevent inadvertent use. Supplier must document and notify Tech Manufacturing, LLC of any nonconforming product identified in manufacture; this notification includes post-delivery. Supplier has no authority for disposition of non-conforming material; therefore, approval must be obtained from the Tech Manufacturing, LLC Material Review Board (MRB) in writing prior to shipment. A completed copy of Subcontractors internal Non-Conformance report and Corrective Action Report is required with shipment.

Q09) ACCEPTABLE PRODUCT – verification by Tech Manufacturing, LLC shall not absolve the seller of the responsibility to provide acceptable product, nor shall it preclude subsequent rejections by Tech Manufacturing, LLC.

Q10) PART IDENTIFICATION – when applicable, subcontractor shall identify supplied parts per Tech Manufacturing, LLC’s customer requirement and add Tech Manufacturing, LLC’s MFR number 11673, do not stamp individual parts with final Q.C. buyout identification.

Q11) REQUIREMENTS FLOW DOWN – Subcontractors shall flow down to sub-tier suppliers all applicable requirements in the purchase document, including Key Characteristics.

Q12) PACKAGING – Supplier shall provide all necessary care in packaging to ensure Tech Manufacturing, LLC parts or materials are not damaged. Stacking of plates, bars, sheets, castings, or parts, shall not cause warping, distortion, nicks, dents, gouges, scratches or other damage. Inadequate use of pallets, cardboard, bags, boxes, containers, bubble wrap, foam, paper media, etc., meant to protect parts or material delivered to Tech Manufacturing, LLC or to another destination on Tech Manufacturing, LLC’s behalf, shall not be the cause of material or part damage.

Q13) GOVERNMENT INSPECTION – During performance of this order, your quality control or inspection system and manufacturing processes are subject to review, verification, and analysis by authorized Government representatives. Government inspection or release of product prior to shipment is not required unless you are otherwise notified.

Q14) DO DEFENSE RATED – This is a DO Defense Rated order. The material is needed at the “ship to” location on the specified “delivery required” date. Seller is required to give this order priority over unrated orders and orders with lower priority ratings. Seller is required to make every effort to deliver this material by the need date. FAR 52.211-15

Q15) DX RATED ORDER – This is a DX Defense Priority Rated order. The material is needed at the “ship to” location on the specified “delivery required” date. Seller is required to give this order priority over unrated orders and orders with lower priority ratings. Seller is required to make every effort to deliver this material by the need date. FAR 52.211-15

Q16) ISO REQUIREMENT – Supplier is required to maintain a documented quality system patterned after or in compliance with ISO 9001-200 or AS9100, as applicable to the work scope stated in the order. Procedures, plans, and records will be made available for review by request of authorized Tech Manufacturing, LLC Supply Chain representatives.

Q17) DPD SYSTEM COMPLIANCE – Supplier is responsible for maintaining a documented Digital Product Definition (DPD) system in compliance with Boeing D6-56199, D6-51991, and ISO 9001-2000 or AS9100 as applicable to the work scope as stated on the purchase order for design, fabrication, and/or inspection processes at your facility. Supplier’s procedures, plans, and records will be made available for review by request of authorized Tech Manufacturing, LLC Supply Chain representatives and their customers as appropriate. The D6-55199 and D6-51991document can be located at:

Q18)  CALIBRATION – All monitoring and measurement equipment is to be calibrated by a quality system using standards traceable to NIST per the guidelines specified in ANSI/NCSL Z 540.3 and ISO/IEC 17025. The quality laboratory performing the calibration study must be accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by a recognized international source. All Calibration Certifications or other Certifying Documents must reference these standards and current accreditation. Tech Manufacturing, LLC recognizes ANSI Z 540.3 and ISO/IEC 17025 is the current calibration standard and supersede Boeing requirement ISO 10012-1 and MIL-STD-45662A

Q19) AS9102 1ST ARTICLE – a completed Tech Manufacturing, LLC inspection report/record form (TMF 0005), or equivalent to AS9102 requirements shall be provided with the first shipment as evidence of 100% inspection. The report shall reference Tech Manufacturing, LLC’s purchase order number.  In addition, inspection records must be retained for a minimum of seven (7) years, or as specified by the Tech Manufacturing, LLC purchase order. Suppliers with contracts that have been novated or assigned to Tech Manufacturing, LLC by their customer shall provide a copy of the First Article Report matching the current configuration.

Q20) FOREIGN OBJECT DAMAGE (FOD) – Supplier shall ensure that Foreign Objects and subsequent Foreign Object Damage is eliminated from all parts prior to shipment. Potential FOD includes but is not limited to burrs, chips, dirt, corrosion, and contamination resulting from the manufacture, assembly, maintenance, processing, cleaning, storage, and subsequent packaging of parts.

Q21) Q6R DELIVERABLE SOFTWARE REQUIRMENT – Supplier is responsible for maintaining a documented Software Quality Program in compliance with Lockheed Martin Q6R Software Quality Requirements, and SAE AS9115 or SAE ARP9005 as applicable to the work scope as stated on the purchase order for design, fabrication, and/or inspection processes at your facility. Supplier’s procedures, plans, and records will be made available for review by request of authorized Tech Manufacturing, LLC Supply Chain representatives and their customers as appropriate. The Q6R Quality Requirements can be found at:

Q22) CONTROL OF QUALITY RECORDS – All records related to the manufacturing, testing, and inspection of parts supplied to Tech Manufacturing purchase order shall be maintained for a minimum of 10 years unless otherwise specified by Tech Manufacturing. Records related to the manufacturing, testing, and inspection of Fracture Critical Traceable parts shall be maintained for the service life of the aircraft. Contact Tech Manufacturing LLC for disposition at the end of the required retention period.

Q23) CYBERSECURITY COMPLIANCE – Supplier is responsible for maintaining cyber security compliance in accordance with industry-standard NIST SP 800-53 to protect and secure customer digital data. The NIST SP 800-53 document can be located at:


Delivering mission-critical quality

In order to provide high-quality, compliant parts to our customers, ADDMAN implements a comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS). We maintain several certifications across our nationwide manufacturing production centers to ensure that all parts are manufactured according to exact specifications. We are proud to hold these certifications: ITAR | ISO 9001:2015 | AS9100D